You really need to start a line of greeting cards. That would make a perfect Thank You note card. Have you investigated Zazzle? (Not sure how they treat or pay artists, but as a customer I’ve been satisfied with the quality of the mugs, cards, calendars and fridge magnets I’ve purchased from them. Not so happy with the thin fabric on their t-shirts.)
SHAKEDOWNVILLE about 4 years ago
All “pumped” up.
Ida No about 4 years ago
A big “You’re Welcome.”
amethyst52 Premium Member about 4 years ago
You always cheer us up! :)
RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 4 years ago
A BIG You’re Welcome to You, Melissa. Stay well my friend.
Neo Stryder about 4 years ago
Awww (hug)
Perkycat about 4 years ago
A big Thank You to you ~ you do all the heavy lifting…….we just enjoy.
Teto85 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Thank you Lolo. You always bring a smile >^..^<
Plods with ...™ about 4 years ago
asrialfeeple about 4 years ago
You’re very welcome.
katina.cooper about 4 years ago
I hope that large heart package is loaded with large chocolate candy.
Sue Ellen about 4 years ago
You really need to start a line of greeting cards. That would make a perfect Thank You note card. Have you investigated Zazzle? (Not sure how they treat or pay artists, but as a customer I’ve been satisfied with the quality of the mugs, cards, calendars and fridge magnets I’ve purchased from them. Not so happy with the thin fabric on their t-shirts.)
Sue Ellen about 4 years ago
I know the current reply to “thank you” appears to be “thank you,” but I was taught to say “you’re welcome.”
Monster Mondays almost 4 years ago
Lovely, just lovely!