It’s a step up from when he poured ink on his fists before pounding everyone as the “Indelible Hulk.” I understand from reports of people that have no teeth left that he is also the “Inedible Hulk,” but that may not be from anyone actually trying to eat him…
Ida No almost 4 years ago
It’s a step up from when he poured ink on his fists before pounding everyone as the “Indelible Hulk.” I understand from reports of people that have no teeth left that he is also the “Inedible Hulk,” but that may not be from anyone actually trying to eat him…
Indianapolis Smith almost 4 years ago
“Man wearing tin can is bad guy. Hulk show sensitive side. Hulk thinking best seller!”
marilynnbyerly almost 4 years ago
I’ve spent my life around writers. Very few want the truth about their “babies.” “Unique” is a good weasel word.
Impkins Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Maybe he should try dictating the next one. :)
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Don’t you think there should be more of a story other than every page being about “Hulk smash”?