last I checked, there are only eight to twelve molars in the human mouth
All I know is that my 6 year molar on my lower right side was pulled when I was 10.
Make deal with your bully, he knocks them out, you fence them with the Tooth Fairy, and get 20%. (That is OTHER kids’ teeth.)
I lived in a poor section of town as a kid. The tooth fairy left me IOU’s but didn’t leave me any indication of where to go to collect.
January 24, 2015
June 12, 2016
May 18, 2018
November 09, 2021
Templo S.U.D. about 4 years ago
last I checked, there are only eight to twelve molars in the human mouth
rekam about 4 years ago
All I know is that my 6 year molar on my lower right side was pulled when I was 10.
christelisbetty about 4 years ago
Make deal with your bully, he knocks them out, you fence them with the Tooth Fairy, and get 20%. (That is OTHER kids’ teeth.)
theincrediblebulk about 4 years ago
I lived in a poor section of town as a kid. The tooth fairy left me IOU’s but didn’t leave me any indication of where to go to collect.