“I knew it!” cried padawan teddy. “There was no way she could be a jedi!” Nate told his friends everything that happened. “She could just be studying. She has clearance to the holocrons. She is a Jedi master,” said padawan Francis matter-of-factly. “It’s too suspicious. She went for it after the holocall in the middle of class. If she was studying, she could have just waited,” replied Nate. Chad looked up from his datapad. “You should tell someone Nate. Someone who knows what to do,” Said Chad. “You’re right, I’m going to tell my master,” Said Nate. Nate ran up to Master Rosa and told him what happened. Master Rosa said: “Hmm. You may be right. I will consult the council.” An hour later, Master Rosa returned. “All right Nate, here is the plan. Master Godfrey is going to alderaan. You will pick 4 of your friends and pretend to be studying there. Godfrey is already told a group of 6 students will accompany her to Alderaan to study culture.” Nate said: “I’ll pick Francis, Teddy, Chad, and Dee Dee. wait, 6?” Rosa said: “Yes, Artur is coming with you!” ARTUR? It wasn’t like Nate had anything against Artur. He was just too… perfect. Master Rosa noticed the slight change of Nate’s face and said: “He will help with your arrogance. Now do you want to go or not?” Realizing He had no choice, He told his friends the news and started to pack his bags.
starwarstan third T.C.C founder almost 4 years ago
part 2 of star wars nate
“I knew it!” cried padawan teddy. “There was no way she could be a jedi!” Nate told his friends everything that happened. “She could just be studying. She has clearance to the holocrons. She is a Jedi master,” said padawan Francis matter-of-factly. “It’s too suspicious. She went for it after the holocall in the middle of class. If she was studying, she could have just waited,” replied Nate. Chad looked up from his datapad. “You should tell someone Nate. Someone who knows what to do,” Said Chad. “You’re right, I’m going to tell my master,” Said Nate. Nate ran up to Master Rosa and told him what happened. Master Rosa said: “Hmm. You may be right. I will consult the council.” An hour later, Master Rosa returned. “All right Nate, here is the plan. Master Godfrey is going to alderaan. You will pick 4 of your friends and pretend to be studying there. Godfrey is already told a group of 6 students will accompany her to Alderaan to study culture.” Nate said: “I’ll pick Francis, Teddy, Chad, and Dee Dee. wait, 6?” Rosa said: “Yes, Artur is coming with you!” ARTUR? It wasn’t like Nate had anything against Artur. He was just too… perfect. Master Rosa noticed the slight change of Nate’s face and said: “He will help with your arrogance. Now do you want to go or not?” Realizing He had no choice, He told his friends the news and started to pack his bags.
Skeletonguy56 almost 4 years ago
Hola, no puedo hablar español en absoluto, así que estoy usando el traductor de Google lol
ᏕᕱuᏒԾภ Ϯ♅ꂅ ภꂅ꒝ᏒԾოᕱภ꒝ꂅᏒ✔️ almost 4 years ago
Evan debe estar muy desesperado
Groot Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Encuesta: ¿Con qué letra comienza tu nombre?
Escriba A si su nombre comienza conA / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i / j / k / l
Escriba B si su nombre comienza conm / n / o / p / q / r / s / t / u / v / w / x / y / z
Snickers guy almost 4 years ago
ah feels good to read a comic without spam
superkabiinate8 almost 4 years ago
No hablo espanol :( I can learn from these comics though.
The Screaming Guy dropped his phone down the sewer almost 4 years ago
Ok guys, think about this.
What if Peirce hated the english comments section, so he posted on this one