Nate el Grande by Lincoln Peirce for March 09, 2021

  1. Aoh14gia4oixdeens96wynqdg4a8vq1zmnm1mxw zlrqqg
    dfrost1  about 4 years ago

    Hello fellow GROSS I would like to say that the place where you are needed most is on conservative political cartoons. All the Liberals go and start annoying regular readers who want to be left alone. Even if you are a Democrat you should stop them as part of your crusade to end spammers.

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    starwarstan third T.C.C founder  about 4 years ago

    part 4 of star wars nate

    At the quidditch match, they were all given brooms and assigned to a role. Nate got the role of seeker(he needs to catch the golden quidditch). They were all given brooms. “How do we play? Like hockey?” Asked Teddy. “We’re supposed to ride them,” Said Francis. “You’re joking right?” Nate said. Nate looked up and saw people flying on brooms. “Do they have any normal things around here?” Asked Nate. “up!” He said and he started flying. Right now, Nate was trying to focus on not falling instead of doing stuff. He flew all over the arena, invoking a loud laughter from everyone. When he got the hang of it, he started chasing the golden quidditch. He saw that Randy was the other seeker. Perfect, Nate thought, time to embarrass Randy. Eventually, Nate flew head to head with Randy. They kept trying to ram each other and grab the golden quidditch. Randy however, rammed Nate out of control and grabbed it. Back on the ground, Nate’s friends told him that it was ok it was only his first time, but Nate felt so bad. It got even worse when Randy smacked him and said: “Ha! That’s payback!” A girl walked up to Nate and said: “Don’t feel bad. It was your first time, right?” IT WAS JENNIFER! “Oh hi Jennifer,” The girl scrunched up her face and said: “My name’s Jenny,” Then walked away. Today was not Nates day. He thought as he went to dark arts class.

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    tumify  about 4 years ago

    Hola! Soy teddy y yo hablo español

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    Doglover26  about 4 years ago

    Incluso básicamente está forzando a Francisco a ser su amigo. Quiero decir, Francis y Nate tienen sus diferencias, pero incluso deberían hacer que Francis sea su amigo. Nate puede ser un idiota a veces, pero no es tan malo. Además, Nate no es un perdedor. solo era un perdedor cuando decidió dejar a Kelly por Jenny, pero aparte de eso, ¡creo que es bueno! De todos modos, ¡que tengas un día increíble! ¡Adiós!

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