Here in Kentucky, we are starting to get our little winters. Every time something blooms, it turns cold and rainy. We are in Sarvis winter now. Next is Redbud, then Dogwood, and finally Blackberry.
just to confuse you the original Robin (European) used to be thought a Thrush thus would have been same family as American Robin but is now classified as an old world fly catcher so isn’t. We do have a Blackbird though which is thrush so related to American Robin but not Blackbirds you get in America (New World blackbirds)
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It could be a little penguin, maybe.
cracker65 almost 4 years ago
Here in Kentucky, we are starting to get our little winters. Every time something blooms, it turns cold and rainy. We are in Sarvis winter now. Next is Redbud, then Dogwood, and finally Blackberry.
nosirrom almost 4 years ago
Mother nature is such a
John M almost 4 years ago
just to confuse you the original Robin (European) used to be thought a Thrush thus would have been same family as American Robin but is now classified as an old world fly catcher so isn’t. We do have a Blackbird though which is thrush so related to American Robin but not Blackbirds you get in America (New World blackbirds)
e.groves almost 4 years ago
I recently saw a robin with a yellow breast.
Chris almost 4 years ago
so the robin springed into frozen temperatures, how sad.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Give the guy a break. I like his answer!
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago
That is definitely cold. Hope it’s not a portent of what’s to come……
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
Did he say “bluezero”? :)
cuzinron47 almost 4 years ago
And if it could talk it would say “I’m freezin’ my tail feathers off out here.”.
Buckeye67 almost 4 years ago
Well it sure can’t be the bluebird of happiness if it’s showing up at the Thornapple residence.
saltylife16 almost 4 years ago
They didn’t get the memo about climate change?
CorkLock almost 4 years ago
Pure Brutus is always feeling “BLUE” His house must be very “COLD”
GROG Premium Member almost 4 years ago
You ought to see Cleo & Company’s first Robin. Holy side kick, Batman!
JesseLouisMartinez almost 4 years ago
It’s a blue popsicle