Good for the twins think the same, and parents close to age think the same. For hubby and I we just celebrated 40 years yesterday, and we do not think the same. we do not read each other minds, though for me wife I can read him better, hubby I have to be more specific.
momofalex7 almost 4 years ago
Sometimes it’s better not to know.
Vivi <333 almost 4 years ago
Isn’t this strip a repeat?
jagedlo almost 4 years ago
It’s been a while since we’ve had a Tommi/Teddy-focused strip…
Ellis97 almost 4 years ago
Great to see two twins feeling a connection and bond.
rpmurray almost 4 years ago
If Joe and Marcy can read each others thoughts why are they not horizontal?
kab2rb almost 4 years ago
Good for the twins think the same, and parents close to age think the same. For hubby and I we just celebrated 40 years yesterday, and we do not think the same. we do not read each other minds, though for me wife I can read him better, hubby I have to be more specific.