Wait a minute, this bear taste's alive? Hey, I was right, wasn't I? In the afterlife, you are judged by your last words.
“What were you doing, licking a dead bear, anyway?”
My last words with probably be something along the lines of “Oh sh—!”
At my college, there was memetic graffiti saying, “[name redacted] Blows Dead Bears.” Now I know what happened to him.
October 31, 2014
March 05, 2017
June 13, 2017
September 08, 2017
September 24, 2017
May 07, 2018
Ida No almost 4 years ago
“What were you doing, licking a dead bear, anyway?”
amaneaux almost 4 years ago
My last words with probably be something along the lines of “Oh sh—!”
Stephen Gilberg almost 4 years ago
At my college, there was memetic graffiti saying, “[name redacted] Blows Dead Bears.” Now I know what happened to him.