Most websites you buy from regularly store your credit card info for you. You SHOULD make copies of the front and back of all your cards and store in a safe place in case they are ever lost or stolen, (whatever you consider a “safe” place – digitally or hard copies).
whahoppened almost 4 years ago
If she remembers the numbers, Betty won’t need them for online ordering.
Carl Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Looking death straight in the eye.
detroitpete almost 4 years ago
well-i-never almost 4 years ago
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
Guess we will never know WHAT the dessert was.
ChessPirate almost 4 years ago
Ah! A treasure hunt! ㋡
mikeywilly almost 4 years ago
Wont matter, replacements are easily available
sobrown51 almost 4 years ago
Most websites you buy from regularly store your credit card info for you. You SHOULD make copies of the front and back of all your cards and store in a safe place in case they are ever lost or stolen, (whatever you consider a “safe” place – digitally or hard copies).
ZBicyclist Premium Member almost 4 years ago
He’s either joking or has a death wish.
oakie817 almost 4 years ago
nicely played