Adult Children by Stephen Beals for May 01, 2021

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    quinones.felix  almost 4 years ago

    The cashier asking for donations just makes it look like to the public that the corporation is the doing the donation and get to write it off on their taxes, while not effecting their profit margin.

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    JC's Tales of Trails Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Drink up????

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    carlzr  almost 4 years ago

    At least Walgreen’s will give you a red plastic clown nose for your donation.

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    hk Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    The stores profit margin is so huge, they don’t need to ask for donations.

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    Ed The Red Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I have charities I contribute to. Both with cash and my time. If I could afford to give them more, I would. So I’m not going to also contribute to every charity my grocery store/drug store/whatever is collecting for.

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    rick92040  almost 4 years ago

    I always ask if the store matches it. If not than no.

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    quanyindove  almost 4 years ago

    Ha…brings back memories. I once worked for a chain pet store. Once around Christmas, the cashiers had to ask if the customer would like to also buy 1. a stuffed dog toy where the proceeds went to the pet charity. 2. A moss ball (yes, a moss ball). We didn’t get to ask if they had an actual fish tank or water feature first. If they didn’t, we had to come up with ideas on why they should still get one. 3) A puppy starter kit. Again, we didn’t get to ask if they had a puppy first. If their response was they had an adult dog, cat, fish, bird, whatever, we had to come up with ideas on why they should still buy one. After all that, if they paid with credit or debit, the machine would ask if they wanted to donate to the pet charities. There was a board in back with all the employees names to keep track of how many you sold of any of it. We were pressured to do it. The managers would sometimes be by us and get on us if they saw we didn’t say anything. I don’t miss that crap. I am extra nice to any cashier now who does it. I may still decline, but I do it as politely as possible for there are many other customers who get angry or annoyed with them.

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