Did you know the source of the word ‘golf’? Gentlemen Only Ldies Forbidden. Coudn’t get away with that today. Think of all the law suits that would be filed and all of the lawyers making money off of them. It would be non-stop for years.
So historically speaking, is this the first time you broke the fourth wall, and explained to the dull masses the meaning of subtle humor and the point everything is not s sight gag?
Is Mr Peterson really as plain as the depiction of him in his cartoons? Or is it merely modesty? I suppose it’s just as well that he doesn’t portray himself as a sort of Li’l Abner hunk, but what is the story?
stairsteppublishing almost 4 years ago
The test does sort of look like one leg of a golf course.
stairsteppublishing almost 4 years ago
Did you know the source of the word ‘golf’? Gentlemen Only Ldies Forbidden. Coudn’t get away with that today. Think of all the law suits that would be filed and all of the lawyers making money off of them. It would be non-stop for years.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 4 years ago
This is magic.
constantine48 almost 4 years ago
Mini golf is more my game.
W Crowley Premium Member almost 4 years ago
So historically speaking, is this the first time you broke the fourth wall, and explained to the dull masses the meaning of subtle humor and the point everything is not s sight gag?
Perkycat almost 4 years ago
I thought yesterday’s was funny, but I laughed a lot more at this one. Thanks, Lennie!! My husband is bald, so that’s fine with me, too.
Rabies65 almost 4 years ago
Golf and haggis were both invented in Scotland. Enough said.
AndrewSihler almost 4 years ago
Is Mr Peterson really as plain as the depiction of him in his cartoons? Or is it merely modesty? I suppose it’s just as well that he doesn’t portray himself as a sort of Li’l Abner hunk, but what is the story?