WuMo by Wulff & Morgenthaler for May 22, 2021

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Turn up the laughing gas and say goodnight.

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  2. Forbear
    Qiset  over 3 years ago

    My wife had non-invasive back surgery to correct a ruptured disk. She had previous surgeries and has fused vertebrae and hardware. She experienced balance and control issues with her legs after this and the doctor said it was part of the recovery process. A week later she took a fall and we thought she had injured the S series of bones. She could no longer walk because of the pain. Well, yesterday they did surgery to repair what they thought was a bulging hematoma. It turns out she had infection from the previous surgery that had built up around her spine putting pressure on everything. I’m thinking this comes under the heading of warranty work and wonder about how it got contaminated.

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    skildude  over 3 years ago

    except that she signed an agreement that this was possible and not the Doctors fault. No surgery comes without a risk. All it takes is one bacteria to make it through sterilization and the worst case scenario such as your wifes happens. However, most good surgeons would fix this without cost. My mother went through 2 surgeries for sciatica because the doctor didn’t do a complete job. the second surgery was no cost because it was his mistake.

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  4. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Sorry, we do not operate on deviates here!

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    A man went into hospital this last week to have one of his legs amputated. Yep, they got the wrong one along with the correct one. And get this, it did not happen in the USA.

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    WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Political comment of the day (for me): That seems to be the method of some people in this country at the moment. Focus on the paper cuts when the patient has something critical.

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    William Stoneham Premium Member over 3 years ago

    If patients are as unreasonable as retail customers, and I believe they are, this scenario likely happens every day in hospitals.

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    Bill The Nuke  over 3 years ago

    My wife had an infected appendix that was close to rupturing. Afterwards BCBS didn’t want to pay for the surgery because her appendix hadn’t ruptured yet. Luckily the doctor’s staff was familiar with this ruse and got them to pay.

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    Lightpainter  over 3 years ago

    This fool is yelling at people who soon will hold knives over him after he is knocked out?!

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