Prickly City by Scott Stantis for May 18, 2021

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    With spaceships? Cool.

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  2. Img 1931
    Sanspareil  almost 4 years ago

    But does that beautiful desertscape have Carmen in it?

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    theotherther1  almost 4 years ago

    It’s busted.

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  4. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   almost 4 years ago

    The great cause that Republicans are uniting around is “election integrity.”

    That’s rich.

    The reality is that somebody did attempt to steal the 2020 election—Donald Trump.

    During the days and weeks following his loss, he brayed endlessly that the outcome was fraudulent, laying the groundwork for an attempt to overturn the voters’ will.

    From the White House, he made multiple calls to local election officials demanding that they find votes for him. He dialed up members of local canvassing boards, encouraging them to decertify results.

    At a time when Trump’s toadies were calling for legislatures to ignore the popular vote and submit alternate slates of electoral college votes, he engaged in flagrant election interference by inviting seven Michigan state legislators, including the leaders of the house and senate, to the White House on November 20.

    What did they discuss?

    You can surmise from their statement issued after the meeting: “We have not yet been made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan and, as legislative leaders, we will follow the law and follow the normal process regarding Michigan’s electors . . .”

    Trump phoned a Georgia elections investigator who was conducting a signature audit in Cobb County, and asked her to find the “dishonesty.”

    If she did, he promised, “you’ll be praised. . . You have the most important job in the country right now.”

    The then-president phoned Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger 18 times.

    When he finally got through, he wove a tangled theory of voting irregularities that crescendoed to a naked plea to falsify Georgia’s vote: “So what are we going to do here, folks? I only need 11,000 votes. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes.”


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    Bradley Walker  almost 4 years ago

    Watch out for sandworms!

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  6. Grumpy octopus
    librarian4hire  almost 4 years ago

    So, Trump has been pulling his presidential pension since January. $65,600 to be exact.

    Does that mean he admits he lost the election? Or is he just pulling another scam? And why is he keeping the pension money — he says he donated all his presidential salary to other government agencies. Why is he keeping the money if he’s so rich?

    It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

    Original story at Business Insider, but it’s behind a paywall. The b@stards.

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    GeneRobison  almost 4 years ago

    Your Carmen and Winslow cartoons are returning to funny. Thanks!

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