Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for July 06, 2012

  1. Deviant avatar
    Orion-13  over 12 years ago

    And here I thought stereotyping was bad.Especially in light of the endless physical competitions in cycling, running, triathlons, skiing, climbing stairs, and so on for fun, charity, etc, All the ones I’m in sell out with several thousand competitors within a couple of days of opening.

    So ‘typical overweight American’? I think not. You could find large groups of overweight folks in any nation. I know folks who saw and have read on-line about German Special Forces in Afghanistan who were so overweight they couldn’t fit into their body armor.


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  2. N19 rolf skrypzak
    hawki79  over 12 years ago

    Orion, And I know a colonel in the German army who would take great offense at your allegation. Enough said I think.

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  3. Deviant avatar
    Orion-13  over 12 years ago

    See? Stereotyping bad and inaccurate. Thank you for supporting my point.


    (In case you were curious, here’s one blog about it with a link to the Times Online article):…and of course there are plenty of overweight American Soldiers as well. Again – stereotyping bad and inaccurate.

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 12 years ago

    Nothing radical? Stomach surgically reduced?Tell you what, Opus. How about this magic pill I have here, at just $99.99 a pop? Guaranteed to end all your problems….

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  5. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 12 years ago

    Never seen a patient who didn’t have complications from those surgeries. Oddly enough, post surgery, they start doing all the things they should have been doing to remove the weight. Maybe they could just give them an incision and make them think they had the surgery. Then put them on the post surgery workout regimen.

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  6. Mr sulu
    MrSulusBrain  over 12 years ago

    Sorry Opus, the typical, over-weight American doesn’t bother with a diet coach…..or the diet! We just order the diet Coke with our super-sized value meal!

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  7. Deviant avatar
    Orion-13  over 12 years ago

    @Craig – Yup. I have almost all the books. Loved Bloom County the first time through and am enjoying it nearly as much the second. :)

    I think that problem has been occurring throughout the developed world.

    @J.Short -I think that’s because with the weight off many of them now have the energy and motivation to do what they should’ve done in the first place. Sadly, an awful lot of those folks end up putting the weight right back on because they DON’T change their lifestyles enough.


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  8. Pete.bleeds
    crlinder  over 12 years ago

    Of course, I don’t know anything about your son, but overall the answer is yes, the increase is real and significant.In 2004 the CDC published that on average, both men and women gained more than 24 pounds between the early 1960s and 2002," says the CDC in its report, Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index, United States 1960-2002. There may be even more recent stats, but I didn’t find them in a quick search.

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