Right through the heart. If he had one.
Excellent aim there, to hit shorty through the heart.
Return to sender!
“Let me have it”, OK! You asked for it….
Fink finally got the point…
An arrow with the kings name on it.
So don’t pay, dummy!
Parker and Hart
Mastroianni and Hart
Straker UFO almost 4 years ago
Right through the heart. If he had one.
Darth_Walrus_1975 almost 4 years ago
Excellent aim there, to hit shorty through the heart.
RLG Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Return to sender!
BigDaveGlass almost 4 years ago
“Let me have it”, OK! You asked for it….
Zebrastripes almost 4 years ago
Fink finally got the point…
V45mikky almost 4 years ago
An arrow with the kings name on it.
brklnbern almost 4 years ago
So don’t pay, dummy!