The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for December 03, 2012

  1. Huey
    blackman2732  over 12 years ago

    That’s an oxymoron

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  2. Shark vs swimmer stencil copy
    SwimsWithSharks  over 12 years ago

    Weird. I always think of Boondocks as being before Star Search, or whatever that show is.

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    cipactli77  over 12 years ago

    Speak of the devil, or the Pope, which in this case seems to be the same person, you can follow him on twitter as of today.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Tom, Dick, Harry, and Joe got together every Thursday night to shoot the bull.Once in a while they’d discuss someone famous, and Joe would say, “I know him. We’re good friends.”Tom, Dick, and Harry eventually got tired of this and agreed that the next time Joe said that, they were going to make him prove it.Well, the very next Thursday, they got to talking about the Pope. Joe piped up with, “Hey, I know the Pope. We’re good friends.”Tom, Dick, and Harry grabbed Joe, took him to the airport, and they all flew to Vatican city. They went up to the door, but the Swiss guard said that only one of them could go up and see the Pope.Joe said, “Let me go up. I’ll get the Pope to come out on that 7th floor balcony so that you can see that he and I are friends.”10 minutes later, 2 people came out on the balcony, and one of them started to wave and point to the other man, who was at least dressed up as a priest.But Tom, Dick, and Harry couldn’t tell whether or not it was the Pope – they thought Joe had just talked some guy into dressing up and going out on the balcony with him.So, they walked up to another man standing a few feet away from them, who was also looking up at the balcony, and they asked him, “Sir, can you please tell us if that guy dressed up as a priest is the pope?”The man squinted his eyes and then said,“Well, I can’t really tell. But that guy standing next to him? That’s Joe.”

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