Citizen Dog by Mark O'Hare for February 21, 2011

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    Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Come on Fergus, you can’t possibly have eaten her homework??

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    Francine Long  about 14 years ago

    Hi Supersurfer, Grog, Dry Sugie, Cleokaya (THE FLASH) StelBel and all.

    I have been having computer problems and couldn’t get my computer to stay on the comics site for the past couple of days. It would get on site and I would look at a couple of my comics and then it would just jump to my email program or to something else.

    So I am behind on my reading and I hope I haven’t missed anything important.

    I hope Quincy Jack is still doing well and getting happier and stronger every day.

    But anyone have any idea of what is going on with my computer? By the way, we don’t have the high speed out here. We are using Hughes Net.

    This has never happened before so I don’t know what to make of it. So far today it is OK, but


    Thanks. A really super day to everyone.

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  3. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Fergus, you probably ate her homework so fast you don’t remember doing it.

    Good Morning, cleo, sugie, Fellow Baby & all other C.D. fans!

    Puppybreath, I, too, use and at least it’s faster than dial up, however, the problems you had were pretty wide-spread and numerous on this site. You were not alone.

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    Sugie63  about 14 years ago

    If she had given Fergus a treat he wouldn’t be eating her homework. Oh well it is full of fiber LOL.

    Good Morning Grog, Dry, Cleo Lonewolf, StelBel & everyone who reads Citizen Dog on a regular basis.

    It’s Monday? Wasn’t it Fri just yesterday? Where oh where did the weekend go :-(((

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    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    So dogs really do eat homework.

    Puppybreath I have been having all sorts of problems with gocomics waiting sometimes four minutes to have a comment post (if at all). I have waited to see if the comment does post and then checked to make sure it hasn’t posted more than once only to find the comment has double posted several minutes later. So you are definitely not alone.

    Good Morning Grog, sugie, Dry & Legion of Citizen Dog fans.

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    cleokaya  about 14 years ago

    sugie you must be young. It is Monday alright, but should still be Monday of the previous week.

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  7. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Now sugie has that ailment we have cleo! And sadly, this is my last 4 day weekend without having to use a vacation day, until May! That’s a long time, but I’ll bet it will be here before I know it!

    So dogs really do eat homework? Shame on you Fergus!

    Good morning Fellow Baby, sugie, cleo!

    Puppybreath you didn’t miss anything. And yes this site is apparently infiltrated with tiny Gremlins running amok!

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    Sugie63  about 14 years ago

    Cleo, thank you, thank you, thank you for calling me young. (not) You know I must be old cause I can’t remember what day it is let alone what week :-D

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  9. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Sugie may I ask what shots Tina had before she had her problem? My sons cat had her rabies/distemper and luekemia boosters on Friday, and now she is really limping around and not eating much. Don’t know if she is sore from the shot, or something else is going on. I thought about you, but I didn’t tell him about it. She could just be stiff from the shot.

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    StelBel  about 14 years ago

    Good Afternoon, Grog, Cleokaya, Dry, Lonewolf, Sugie63, Puppybreath et al.!!!!!

    OK, I thought I was the only one having problems at this site. Sometimes, it takes almost an hour to read all my chosen strips because I keep getting knocked off (the site). Then, last week, I got a virus from one of the popups, masquerading as “Windows Security Alert”. I didn’t click on it, but made the mistake of clicking on the subsequent window that started scanning. It locked up the entire computer – no access to internet or even to my antivirus program, which it immediately shut down. Bottom line: $105 paid to computer repair shop to get rid of virus which wants to “sell” you an antivirus program (the virus, not the shop), only to get your credit card number and to continue to infect your PC. BEWARE!!! I now think that the prolific spammers that used to crowd this site were the lesser of these evils that are prowling now! The repair guy told me that I did nothing wrong – that everyone is susceptable and it comes down to the luck of the draw – that it does not matter what antivirus protection you have. Isn’t that wonderful? BTW, I use Verizon DSL, though I don’t think it matters what you’re using with these particular issues.

    Puppybreath: Thanks so much for asking about Quincy. I’m happy to report that he’s back to his old self and doing great! We so appreciate your kind concern and support. Let’s hope now that GoComics totally cleans up this site. It’s my favorite stop on my daily internet travels.

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    Charles Evans Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Puppybreath, you might be suffering from spyware on your computer, redirecting you to places unwanted. The best spyware software IMHO is from Go to their site and pick one of their offerings. It’ll cost you a bit but is worth it. The free stuff that’s all over the ‘Net works somewhat but not like the AdAware products. Good luck.

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    Francine Long  about 14 years ago

you are so welcome. I am so happy for both you and Quincy Jack.

    Having had times of intense worry about my “kids” and sadly, sometimes great enduring sorrow when things didn’t work out well for them no matter how diligent and sincere the efforts, it is easy to feel compassion and concern.

    I discern in you great love and empathy for Quincy Jack and I am sure for many other furry fellows who now or in the past shared your home.

    I am also sure in my heart of hearts that you are equally loving and compassionate towards the people in your life.

    Your posts reflect that kind of personality.

    God bless you StelBel
.and of course, Quincy Jack.

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    Francine Long  about 14 years ago

    Cleokaya, Grog, thanks for letting me know that I was not alone in my problems with the comics site.. I was absolutely frustrated.

    Indeed, Dry, yes, it seemed as if my computer were infested with gremlins. I’ve had sporadic problems before but most of the time I just think to myself, “OK, what did you do wrong to mess up the program?”

    But this time I KNEW it wasn’t my mistakes that were causing the problems. I wasn’t having the problem on any other sites. Just this one.

    Very strange.

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    Sugie63  about 14 years ago

    Dry, Tina never got sick from her shots but they said the tumor she had was caused by the feline leukemia shot. They used to put it in the neck area and when tumors appeared they were too dangerous to remove because of the spine. Now they put the leukemia shot in the rear haunch area and it is easier to remove if necessary.

    I know one thing Tina is not getting any more leukemia boosters. In fact the Dr told me that if the cat is an inside cat completely they really do not need them. She is the only cat that we had that ever had this problem. So who knows whats going on??

    You son’s cat may just have been sensitive and reacted to the shots in general. Hope she is better. Let me know, I will be praying for her.

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  15. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 14 years ago

    Thanks so much sugie for getting back to me. She seems a little better today. I will tell my son that, because she is an indoor cat, as are mine, and I guess they don’t really need the leukemia shot. I must ask our vet about the tumor thing. And it would certainly save my son on the vet bill. He and his girlfriend found this little girl in a terrible state. They rescued her from the street. She lived with us and our cats when my son had to move back in with us for awhile. She is I guess you would say, a loner, the arrangement went better than I had expected, but now she has her own space and she is much happier! While she was here, she would venture downstairs occasionally, but most of the time she spent upstairs. She’s an odd cat, but very sweet, and given what she went through, I can understand. What I don’t get is how people can be so cruel, not just to each other, but to innocent animals.

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