“What, like a Haywire escape? How could something like that happen?”
Sheriff Rock always did have just about the right amount of brain power to be in Skull. His lack of a moral compass is just icing on the cake.
Thee ole’ sugar trick!!!
Where did this idiot learn his priorities?
Ka Moron….Cinamon throws herself at him, and he says “Evil comes first”.
Glad Cinamon just took his keys, let RJ out and the guy’s still oblivious, the Cinamon/Sopapilla Girls need to pick better men.
Course, RJ is still a little “Dicey”
Depends on what you consider to be evil.
Ohhhhh, a blue ribbon chimichanga! That would be one of my weaknesses, I love a good chimichanga!
Did anyone else notice the coffee cup in panel 2?
Sounds like Rock is a really lousy boyfriend. “Evil comes first” when you have a hot girlfriend like Cinnamon? What a loser!
Someone obviously does not have his priorities straight.
Dan Thompson
May 03, 2014
October 25, 2017
Brian Premium Member over 3 years ago
“What, like a Haywire escape? How could something like that happen?”
Chithing over 3 years ago
Sheriff Rock always did have just about the right amount of brain power to be in Skull. His lack of a moral compass is just icing on the cake.
Knightman Premium Member over 3 years ago
Thee ole’ sugar trick!!!
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 3 years ago
WilliamVollmer over 3 years ago
Where did this idiot learn his priorities?
JDP_Huntington Beach over 3 years ago
Ka Moron….Cinamon throws herself at him, and he says “Evil comes first”.
Glad Cinamon just took his keys, let RJ out and the guy’s still oblivious, the Cinamon/Sopapilla Girls need to pick better men.
Course, RJ is still a little “Dicey”
the lost wizard over 3 years ago
Depends on what you consider to be evil.
Thinkingblade over 3 years ago
Ohhhhh, a blue ribbon chimichanga! That would be one of my weaknesses, I love a good chimichanga!
pianist337 over 3 years ago
Did anyone else notice the coffee cup in panel 2?
tad1 over 3 years ago
tad1 over 3 years ago
Sounds like Rock is a really lousy boyfriend. “Evil comes first” when you have a hot girlfriend like Cinnamon? What a loser!
NWdryad over 3 years ago
Someone obviously does not have his priorities straight.