Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North for April 12, 2022

  1. Idano
    Ida No  almost 3 years ago

    Most advanced computer move of all: “Knowing when the super hottie babe you’re chatting to online is actually an overweight 55-year-old guy named Mal, who spends all of his time trolling people from his mother’s basement, surrounded by refilled Mountain Dew bottles.”

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  2. Missing large
    joe.altmaier  almost 3 years ago

    Very funny. Btw, it’s not a great idea to increase TCP buffer sizes on a high-latency network because of something called the ‘buffer bloat’ issue. It’s brought down the network every few years, 2012 being one of the most recent.Unless you’re on a leaf node bigger TCP buffers are a very bad idea.Now excuse me while I go refill a Mt Dew bottle.

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