On the other hand, no ranting, racist jackanapes appear in the window pretending to deliver news. The only editorial content is when he sees the dog take a dump on the lawn. Sitting and watching the world can be rewarding. And there’s even drama. Like now. Two of my cats are out there having a discussion as to which gets to keep the vole the collaborated in catching. I wonder how it will come out.
coltish1 over 3 years ago
He could go to the laundromat and watch one of the washers. That’s always good.
Ubintold over 3 years ago
A heck of a lot cheaper, though.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 3 years ago
On the other hand, no ranting, racist jackanapes appear in the window pretending to deliver news. The only editorial content is when he sees the dog take a dump on the lawn. Sitting and watching the world can be rewarding. And there’s even drama. Like now. Two of my cats are out there having a discussion as to which gets to keep the vole the collaborated in catching. I wonder how it will come out.
Petemejia77 over 3 years ago
Someone is stuttering.
syzygy47 over 3 years ago
Wait until the winter. The kind of snow adjusting your rabbit ear antenna won’t fix.