Bet she didn’t like him doing that one bit! Or, then again, maybe he and she already had an arrangement for him to do it?
That was a pane.
Zip lines are tied to two fixed points – so why did he tie one end to the neighbor’s window???
That sounds like a real pane.
June 28, 2014
LeftCoastKen Premium Member over 3 years ago
Bet she didn’t like him doing that one bit! Or, then again, maybe he and she already had an arrangement for him to do it?
Ontman over 3 years ago
That was a pane.
vonskippy over 3 years ago
Zip lines are tied to two fixed points – so why did he tie one end to the neighbor’s window???
Natarose over 3 years ago
tinstar over 3 years ago
That sounds like a real pane.