Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 15, 2021
a brief history of mother's day presented by the maternal association of american matriarchs (maam) the ancient medeans celebrated the feast of progenitrix, when the goddess maw was propitated with flowers, gift baskets, stacks of neatly folded clean laundry & promises to visit more often. mother's day in its modern form was inspired by the apron string league, whose demonstrations in the 1910's calling for a day to honor motherhood culminated in the mother riots of 1914. these prompted a shamefaced president wilson to proclaim the second sunday in may mother's day. i don't know why i bother show some respect you should be ashamed this is the thanks i get? the very idea i do and do and do for you kids thus began a golden age of motherhood, roughly 1914-1960. then, on mother's day 1961, a smartmouthed kid questioned the sanctity of motherhood, precipitating an era of shiftless-ness, bad manners & general snotsnosedness. kid: so how come there's no children's day? mother: every day is children's day! father: watch that mouth young man! today motherhood is clearly at risk. buffeted by changing gender roles, a sluggish economy & "your mama" jokes, mom has declined to #3 in the triumvirate of "mom, flag & apple pie." so strike a blow for mother! send her a card or better yet visit her more often. is that really so much to ask? person: yes, maam
Cpeckbourlioux about 3 years ago
…and the general malaise of snotnosedness continues to this day.
gbars70 about 3 years ago
Wonder if that rolling pin hit Wilson! Could be why his wife wound up as acting president.
Sisyphos about 3 years ago
I showered my Mom with collector-teddy bears! There are dozens of them around the apartment still.
Moms are great. Never forget that.