Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for January 01, 2024
hard facts about head lice by richard thompson 1. what they look like. poisonous proboscis pestilential thorax venomous spines toxic fetlock virulent overbite life size. enlarged 900x enlarged 9,000,000x 2. did you know? man: uh-oh. annually as many as six fully grown adults are carried off by head lice & never seen again! 3. head lice in philosophy berlin: "there are 3 kinds of people: the hedgehog, who knows one big thing; the fox, who knows many small things; and the head louse, who doesn't know shinola from a hole in the ground and lays eggs in your hair." -sir isaiah berlin, "the hedgehog, the fox and the head louse" 4. head lice & the presidency. dude: of course kennedy had them! it's in my book, chapter 17, "cooties in camelot." -seymour hersh, journalist. 5. what to do if you have head lice. try these- lye soap lye belt sander scalping cootie catcher* or you can learn to live with them *not proven effective louse lodge guy: it ain't so bad.
prince valiant Premium Member 12 months ago
Way to start out the new year…thinking about microscopic bugs that infest your very being! Urg! Thanks Richard!
Spiffy 12 months ago
Richard forgot to mention that the primary transmission vector for head lice is Santa’s beard. That’s where Kevin got them!
Sisyphos 12 months ago
All hail the Triumphant Head Louse, our worldly lord and master!