Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for July 24, 2024
a brief tour of inexplicable sites in the d.c. area uncanny elderly woman who waves at every passing car. arlington. men's shoes and video rental checks cashed live bait no parking mysterious specialty store. hyattsville. ornate yet i-ll maintained grave in traffic island. capitol hill. man 1: it's a paean to the heroic reticence of the vice-presidency. man 2: it's a big guy wrestling with a horse. obscure sculpture group. nw. raw dough kills especially cryptic graffito. se. guy 1: you go knock. guy 2: no, you. ancient, awful & honorable brotherhood of freeloaders enigmatic organization. ne.
Mel-T-Pass Premium Member 6 months ago
I saw a couple of uncanny waving guys recently.
fritzoid Premium Member 6 months ago
Also spotted was an elderly woman throwing deviled eggs at passing cars, but that’s not inexplicable. She has her reasons.
Teto85 Premium Member 6 months ago
I remember a time when there were many businesses that were “Something and Video Rentals.” Frozen Yogurt, Italian Deli, books, etc., all with a video rental annex. And just as many video rental stores. And then DVD rentals along with that. Then Netflix and later streaming came in and the video rental businesses have progressively died out since the 2010s. And Amazon and eBay with affordable pricing also helped.
chromosome Premium Member 6 months ago
Some of these things look like they could be real.
SpammersAreScum 6 months ago
Wow. You don’t see the singular of “graffiti” very often.