Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for September 30, 2024
richard's poor almanac literary calendar by mr. richard thompson 19 monday 7 p.m. author/liar stephen glass ("the fabulist") discusses his work and de-scribes how he won the nobel prize for literature, decipher-ed the human genome & created spongebob squarepants. recep-tion to follow. remainders books. 20 tuesday the american idol finale is on. stay home & watch tv. and tomorrow. 22 wednesday 7 p.m. all democratic presiden-tial candidates sign their bloated, unnec-essary biographies. pushing & shoving to follow. politics 'n' stuff. 23 thursday 7 p.m. edna weebles, author of "lardass nation: americans are food pyramids," discusses it with her mouthfull. wideaisle books. 24 friday 7 p.m. errol flemm reads & gestures from his graphic novel "spazzoid wars: giant mangaloid robots explode things." heavy breathing to follow. holy jeepers comic shop. 7:30 p.m. pulp this book writer's work-shop explores tech-niques for turning poorly-selling books into those crappy cardboard drink trays they hand you at mcdonald's. creative crisis to follow. silage books.
SteveHL 5 months ago
I believe that I made this comment the last time this particular strip appeared in GoComics, but I think that “Edna Weebles” must be a pseudonym. That is clearly Viola D’More from Cul de Sac as a grown-up.
DeaconJohnGiglioJr 5 months ago
What happened to day 21?
Judeeye Premium Member 5 months ago
Stephen Randall Glass (born September 15, 1972)1 is an American former journalist. He worked for The New Republic from 1995 to 1998 until it was revealed many of his published articles were fabrications. An internal investigation by The New Republic determined the majority of stories he wrote either contained false information or were fictitious.