Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for October 04, 2024
richard's poor alma-nac. suggested summer reading by richard thompson woman: i'm enjoying the "giant jumbo pop-up book of leisure-time activities" very much, thank you. old man: i'll just be trying to decipher the instructions on this bottle of medicine, so don't you mind me. what in hell does "flummoxofin" treat, anyway? boy 1: inasmuch as there is no new "harry potter" this year, i'm going to concentrate my reading on cereal boxes exclusively. i find that there is much to learn from the feverish imaginings of copywriters with too much space to fill and hey there's no toy in this one! boy 2: i only read the comics page, still the last venue for qual-ity, work by dead white males. silas marmer man: i'll be working on my own novel, a sensitive coming-of age story to which i've added a dollop of sex, a dash of intrigue & a pinch of extreme gut-wringing in-your-face slapstick farce! the farrelly brothers are reportedly, very interested! vwit vwit vwit
prince valiant Premium Member 5 months ago
Unfortunately, Richard has joined that cadre of dead white males.
stamps 5 months ago
Flummoxin was used to treat addiction to conspiracy theories. Unfortunately it was withdrawn due to its ineffectiveness.
bmeaton Premium Member 5 months ago
Flummoxofin is specific for Devio-Spazmosis.
PoodleGroomer 5 months ago
They don’t list the edible lacquer used to keep the cereal from getting soggy.
Spiffy 5 months ago
Sounds like he already took the Flummoxofin.