Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for October 30, 2024
vacancy inn welcome colicky shriners 4 this place was- 5 on whose screen porch did you spend a sweltering afternoon with a tepid bottle of mr. pibb & some dietetic crackers watching a small dog run in tight circles? gino's cement garden crap outlet 25 acres of values 6 how long did it take your mom to buy a 30 lb. garden chipmunk here? -answers- 1. gahstly stomachy-bladderoid thing that scared you off the beach for a whole day. 2. booster seat mishap, sbarro's, nj turnpike. 3. a. ohio b. virginia. c. missouri. 4. either great aunt blanche's or great aunt mina's. i forget. 5. terrible. and the cable was out. 6. you'd still be there if you hadn't thrown up in that flower pot.
beady.el 3 months ago
I think the answers for #4 and #5 are swapped…