Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 16, 2024
richard's poor almanac keep cool simple steps to "break the heat" by richard thompson wear light, loose clothing. in fact, fashion yourself a sarong-toga-muu-muu from ay handy bedsheets. you'll keep cool and probably get a metro car all to yourself. dude: run! if you must exercize, try spelunking! caves are nice & cool all the time. just try not to "over-do" your exploring. man: hey! it's hotter'n hell down here! devil: but it's more of a dry heat. wallowing in mud is a good idea. but we've had a dry spell & mud may not be available. so try wallowing in a frozen food bin at your local grocery store guy: ah. when you're hot you're also irritable. small acts of point-less violence against inan-imate objects can be briefly soothing, i've discovered! woman: i hate this stupid blackberry! man 2: dumb old ipod! when all else fails, try staring fixedly at a wall calendar until it becomes "october" or even "november." this'll be a big help.
well-i-never 3 months ago
The way Winter has been going so far, I might need these in February.
Thomas R. Williams 3 months ago
Ah, Blackberry we hardly knew ye!
SteveHL 3 months ago
Mud, mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me, follow, down to the hollow
And there let us wallow in glorious mud.
from The Hippopotamus Song --———Flanders and Swann