Jon can make lasagna and roast turkeys and chickens, no problem. But when it comes to chicken soup, I guess he thinks it’s good enough to drown a bird in broth and call it a day.
You know, knowing this, it starts to make more sense, why Jon is always having burgers and pies and lasagna and such. He’s only good at making a few things and is otherwise a terrible cook.
coolpersonwithsunglasses over 13 years ago
uh, i want to know where jon got that!
SonicWind over 13 years ago
I don’t know… Maybe the CHICKEN FEET STICKING OUT OF THE POT could be why that happened.
pianofreakluvsgarfield almost 13 years ago
but garfield eats chickens… this time it’s only dunked in chicken broth.
m.l. over 12 years ago
goldenkoopa5001 about 11 years ago
Garfield hates chicken broth.
The Ever-Convenient Object's Shopping Mall over 5 years ago
I guess this is the scariest thing they could come up with FOR HALLOWEEN!!!
Scrambled Eggs almost 2 years ago
Jon can make lasagna and roast turkeys and chickens, no problem. But when it comes to chicken soup, I guess he thinks it’s good enough to drown a bird in broth and call it a day.
You know, knowing this, it starts to make more sense, why Jon is always having burgers and pies and lasagna and such. He’s only good at making a few things and is otherwise a terrible cook.
Arufi 7 months ago
why is chicken soup black