That would be more that 100,000 times of the actual Covid disease in the entire world if it could be condensed. Great job Lio. Now we can all take off all our masks, eliminate all the arcane laws and get our lives back. Actually that probably will never happen as Big Government just LOVES the big power it got over us and will want to keep it and will just find some other excuse to keep it…..
Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr. over 3 years ago
I have a feeling that Lio is going to win Show and Tell again
jr1234 over 3 years ago
Better lose those air holes.
Anters55 over 3 years ago
Nice! Which is it? Original, Delta, Lambda, Mu?
jagedlo over 3 years ago
Lio must have been working out to lift a jar that big…
xSigoff Premium Member over 3 years ago
Look like Lio’s planning Bio-war. Unfortunately, he could win.
Stephen Gilberg over 3 years ago
Great. Not only is the comic still treating COVID-19 like a joke, but this is a retread. He’s already brought it in a jar for show and tell.
raybarb44 over 3 years ago
That would be more that 100,000 times of the actual Covid disease in the entire world if it could be condensed. Great job Lio. Now we can all take off all our masks, eliminate all the arcane laws and get our lives back. Actually that probably will never happen as Big Government just LOVES the big power it got over us and will want to keep it and will just find some other excuse to keep it…..
Bilan over 3 years ago
Be afraid. Be very afraid.