CV stands for Curriculum Vitae or “course of life.” In the US, a CV is a 2–12 page academic document that describes your school career in deep detail. In Europe, a CV is a standard 1–2 page resume for a job, tailored to the position. In other words, the meaning and definition of a CV depends on your location.
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
Zebrastripes over 3 years ago
Where’s his fangs? Lol
jim40000 over 3 years ago
CV stands for Curriculum Vitae or “course of life.” In the US, a CV is a 2–12 page academic document that describes your school career in deep detail. In Europe, a CV is a standard 1–2 page resume for a job, tailored to the position. In other words, the meaning and definition of a CV depends on your location.
Impkins Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’ve never seen a chicken pump it’s fist! :)