Smart guy, Gus. I loved going to the racetrack in the States but the trick was to NOT place a bet. I’d pick an entry in each race from the charts in the program but saved a lot of money by staying away from the windows. I found I enjoyed the races more because it was all about the horses and jockeys working as teams and nothing about whether I won anything. Made all the difference.
Susan00100 over 3 years ago
Gus is now a charter member of Gamblers Anonymous.
Guilty Bystander over 3 years ago
Smart guy, Gus. I loved going to the racetrack in the States but the trick was to NOT place a bet. I’d pick an entry in each race from the charts in the program but saved a lot of money by staying away from the windows. I found I enjoyed the races more because it was all about the horses and jockeys working as teams and nothing about whether I won anything. Made all the difference.
brklnbern over 3 years ago
The true story is finally told.