Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for February 05, 2006
Scientist: My cosmeto-magnet will draw this radioactive comet to me... and I alone shall possess it's power!! As long as my instruments stay aligned, the comet will strike in mere moments and then I -- Curses! It's my laxabout neighbor and his incessant cheering of the local athletic team! Silence, you buffoon! I need quiet or I'll -- Uh-oh... Man, I knew I should have taken that sublet in the retirement community. It's a tale shrouded in mystery, steeped in intrigue, drenched in implausibility! Read on, daring reader, if you dare to read... The Secret Origin of Captain Victorious Part I In a dark lab high above Tungsten City, a mysterious scientist toys with dangerous events of nature! YEAHHHH!!! BAM! BAM! Go! Go! Go! BEEEEEEEEP! With his instruments unattended, the fiery comet veers off course just enough to... SMASH!! Next: The lazy shall inherit the earth!
aNamee 10 months ago
How is this the first comment on the origins of Captain Victorious?