Maria's Day by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for October 02, 2021

  1. Missing large
    rekam  over 3 years ago

    Bob just had to drink it, of course.

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    raybarb44  over 3 years ago

    That’s why they have “energy drinks” at the local 7/11 for the kids…..

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  3. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  over 3 years ago

    Maybe that’s what’s wrong with me. As a child granddad would take me grocery shopping with him. He would buy coffee beans, grind, and bag them there in the store. I would pick unground beans left on the grinder base and eat them as we shopped. I liked the flavor. Before I retired I was drinking quad shot espressos.

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    j.l.farmer  over 3 years ago

    that is what happens to me when i drink coffee from Starbucks.

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