Jason: This costume should boos my trick-or-treat productivity. Andy: Figures it's my year to walk with you.
Brilliant. Bloody brilliant.
The superhero’s undressed. No briefs!
Wish I thought of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m doing this
Frankenstein’s bolt makes it look like Jason has a green buck tooth.
Hey, genius! How will you get that out the door?
Bill Amend
shassandra over 8 years ago
Brilliant. Bloody brilliant.
jimboylan almost 8 years ago
The superhero’s undressed. No briefs!
Thanos over 6 years ago
Wish I thought of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comic_Writer almost 6 years ago
I’m doing this
Team comics over 4 years ago
Frankenstein’s bolt makes it look like Jason has a green buck tooth.
SquidGamerGal 5 months ago
Hey, genius! How will you get that out the door?