Overboard by Chip Dunham for December 14, 2008
Captain: The green ship guys took the entire safe? Charley: Yeah. Captain: Oh well, let it go. It was just cash and jewels. Nate: Louie's puppy pictures were in there. Pirate 1: Well, that's funny. Pirate 2: What? Pirate 1: At first they weren't coming, and now they are.
KingRat about 16 years ago
yesterday snapper1 said: Now if I could only figure out why my comment is flipped on end like it is.
your comment is flipped so you can more readily differentiate your comments from the comments of others.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 16 years ago
Gweedo, to answere your question, windows XP. It does funky stuff sometimes, but then my sons have music and games downloaded which doesn’t help!
Akenta about 16 years ago
I think the rabbits, wrote that promo.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 16 years ago
Gweedo, Never cared much for Pibgorn, and yes, there are more important things in the world. someday I’ll figure it out. I’m just tired of Calvin with a ? mark. Actually, duh… I should just ask my kids!
westiewestaz about 16 years ago
Drysty: I haven’s seen your prior comments, so not sure what the problem is, but I have XP also. WHen I change my avatar, I go into My Pictures in the browse spot, pick a picture and hit Save - or whatever it is and poof - new avatar.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 16 years ago
Hey everyone! I tried it again and I found a picture of my 16 year old cat Hannah who passed away this past April. She was born on our back porch from a stray mother cat who we befriended. They got along great with our dog, Charlie ( a female!). She was THE BEST CAT, SWEET, LOVING AND SMART! Anyway, I decided to use her picture. Thanks all, for your help. And by the way, I’m a 54 year old female with two sons, a husband, and a life too busy to be reading the comics everyday, but I love them! And they make me laugh, especially OVERBOARD! Good night, all!