Captain: You're only serving a twenty-minute sentence for biting me... And you're tunneling?!! Mouse: Tom! I didn't expect to see you for another five or ten minutes! Tom: Please - they haven't built the jail that can hold me yet!
doc “you maka me laugh”! :-D
So do you, Chip!
Spoilt! spoilt! spoilt! that’s all I have to say. They are so rotten, that even a small penalty is not adherred to.
Hey if dog years are 1=7 imagine what 20 minutes in mouse years would be.
Sugie63: I must admit - you have a good point there!
July 22, 2015
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 16 years ago
doc “you maka me laugh”! :-D
So do you, Chip!
leslynmoore almost 16 years ago
Spoilt! spoilt! spoilt! that’s all I have to say. They are so rotten, that even a small penalty is not adherred to.
Sugie63 almost 16 years ago
Hey if dog years are 1=7 imagine what 20 minutes in mouse years would be.
leslynmoore almost 16 years ago
Sugie63: I must admit - you have a good point there!