Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for January 08, 2024

  1. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 12 months ago

    My friends say they want to come back as one of my cats.

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  2. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  12 months ago

    I do love Carl Sagan’s way of looking at the universe, he’s a brilliant and eloquent humanist. I am also a person of faith who sees beauty in a divine plan for humanity. I’m just careful to not shove both of these world views into the same box; there is too much we don’t know on either side of the equation.

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    Willywise52 Premium Member 12 months ago

    Sagan was brilliant.And there’s a lot of people who want you to think there’s something wrong with you if you don’t believe there is an afterlife.

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    Bruce1253  12 months ago

    I believe in miracles. If you want current evidence of one just look at the JAL flight landing. Yes skill of the pilots, training of the cabin crew, the Japanese ethic of the passengers all played a part. The miracle I feel occurred when that Airbus jet impacted with the Japan Coast Guard plane at 142 miles per hour and did not wind up a tumbling fireball going down the runway, it instead hit at the exact angle, with no margin for error, that allowed for a belly landing. I am a retired engineer and the chances of that happening are extremely, extremely small, yet it did. So thank you Jesus, Rama, Yahweh, Allah, the Eternal Tao, Shiva, the Great Spirit, what ever deity you wish to name.

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  5. Chris88
    chireef  12 months ago

    a ping pong paddle … i thought for sure it would be a pickle ball racket

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    Old Time Tales  12 months ago

    If you are living your life to earn a seat in paradise you’re doing it wrong.

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    DouglasSmith1  12 months ago

    Don’t believe it. The Arab will have a long knife in his hand.

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    markkahler52  12 months ago

    So account for NDEs…

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    rwam  12 months ago

    All the philosophers are dead. Jesus came back from the dead and continued to instruct his disciples for 40 days after, before ascending into heaven in front of witnesses. Over 500 people saw him at one time. How much more proof do you need to know everything in the Bible is 100% true. If you want a simple acrostic here it is. BIBLE – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. I hope this inspires you to believe and to act on that belief. The way to Heaven is clear – repent and believe the Gospel.

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