A successful Master is not the one with the most students, it is the one who has created the most Masters. There is no greater complement for a Sensei than to have one of her students surpass her.
Teaching AFROTC was the gem of my career. As commandant of cadets, I taught, trained, led, coached, and inspired hundreds of future officers. They came into the Air Force right after a huge reduction in force, so they enjoyed great careers. Colonels everywhere. I, on the other hand, was a part of that reduction just a few years after I left my teaching post. I retired a a run-of-the-mill captain. So, I was never a colonel, but I got to create a bunch of them For that I will always be proud.
FreyjaRN Premium Member about 1 month ago
It’s true. It sounds easy. We all know that it isn’t.
Bruce1253 about 1 month ago
A successful Master is not the one with the most students, it is the one who has created the most Masters. There is no greater complement for a Sensei than to have one of her students surpass her.
Havel about 1 month ago
“Believe those who seek the truth, doubt those who find it.” (Andre Gide)
Vet Premium Member about 1 month ago
Pass on what you have learned. When the student is ready. The master will appear.
Rich Douglas about 1 month ago
Teaching AFROTC was the gem of my career. As commandant of cadets, I taught, trained, led, coached, and inspired hundreds of future officers. They came into the Air Force right after a huge reduction in force, so they enjoyed great careers. Colonels everywhere. I, on the other hand, was a part of that reduction just a few years after I left my teaching post. I retired a a run-of-the-mill captain. So, I was never a colonel, but I got to create a bunch of them For that I will always be proud.
mistercatworks about 1 month ago
Try not to get beat up by the master.