Ben by Daniel Shelton for November 16, 2021

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    stairsteppublishing  over 3 years ago

    His reply should have been, “I was so blinded by your beauty that all I saw were your beautiful eyes.” He had better know the color of her eyes, or stop at “I was so blinded by your beauty, I saw nothing else.”

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    catmom1360  over 3 years ago

    She looks like she’s about 40. How could they have met 48 years ago?

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    John9  over 3 years ago

    I don’t remember the “date” I first saw my loving future wife, but I know it was love at first sight for me. We were married for 34 years until she died in March suddenly and unexpectedly and the memories are all I have. There are many but even the happiest ones turn sad so quickly because I miss her so much.

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  4. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  over 3 years ago

    Not fair! You can’t expect a man to “think on his feet” if he’s just waking up! ❌️

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  5. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 3 years ago

    I thought they were gonna break out in song:

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    mistercatworks  over 3 years ago

    Ah, memories …

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    Ukko wilko  over 3 years ago

    Just say, “Best day of my life”, and quit while you’re ahead.

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    MCProfessor  over 3 years ago

    Why do women do this to us!

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    christelisbetty  over 3 years ago

    “Ah yes I remember it well”—(Someone should write a song about that). (-: /s

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    paullp Premium Member over 3 years ago

    After 48 years together, and at their age, it would have been cute if she had cut him some slack. All she had to say was, “Oh, how sweet! You remembered!” and he’d feel like a king. And she’d be a winner too, as she walked away thinking, "I never owned a pink sweater . . . "

    Neither my wife nor I remember the day we met, but we have a good excuse: I was about 2 1/2 years old, and she was a newborn.

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    jathbo  over 3 years ago

    But… She was wearing a pink sweater 2 days prior to this conversation….

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