Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 22, 1959
Charlie Brown is rolling a snowperson. Linus calls out to him, "Charlie Brown, do you think that Santa Claus really knows his job?"<br> <br> A tired Charlie Brown replies, "Oh, yes..after all, he's been at it for a long time.."<br> <br> Charlie Brown continues rolling the snow. Linus says, "That's just what has me worried.."<br> <br> He continues, "Perhaps it's time for a Younger man to take over!"<br> <br>
yow4zip Premium Member about 5 years ago
Perish the thought.
Best Commenter Ever about 4 years ago
Okaaay…. Linus in a red suit jumping down a chimney… that sounds cool!
weatherford.joe about 4 years ago
You mean like in The Santa Clause?
ah-hee over 3 years ago