Peanuts by Charles Schulz for July 09, 1961
Linus looks in the tv guide and says, "Here, it is . . . Three o'clock . . . 'Doctor's round table.'"<BR><BR> Linus says, "What are you watching?" Lucy sits in front of the tv and says, "'Monster Madness.'"<BR><BR> Linus says, "I don't suppose you'd care to watch 'Doctor's round table'?" Lucy replies, "No, I wouldn't!"<BR><BR> Linus says, "They have a good panel today . . . A physician, a philosopher, a theologian and a dentist . . . They're discussing, 'Where Cain got his wife and the importance of preschool check-up' . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy says, "Well, you might as well forget it because I'm watching 'Monster MAdness'!"<BR><BR> Linus walks outside and says, "I'll go over to Charlie Brown's house . . . Maybe he'll let me watch my program over there."<BR><BR> Charlie Brown opens the door and says, "Hi, Linus . . . Come on in . . . You just missed, 'Doctor's round table.'"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown says, "It was pretty good . . . The philosopher and the theologian agreed that pre-school check-up is a very wise action . . ."<BR><BR> Linus walks home. Lucy says, "Where have you been? You missed a real good program . . ."<BR><BR> Lucy says, "The physician and the dentist got into a huge fight over where Cain got his wife!'"<BR><BR>
tammsys over 12 years ago
Why is it that when I read ’Doctor’s Round Table’ I thought about a Doctor Who and Merlin crossover.
Daeder over 3 years ago
A physician, a philosopher, a theologian and a dentist all walk into a bar…
C wolfe over 3 years ago
Cain’s wife is a descendant of the men and women created on the sixth day in chapter one of the Bible. Cain’s parents were not created until the eight day in chapter two.
yow4zip Premium Member over 3 years ago
Novocaine comes to mind.
Just somebody 3 days ago
Kids watching a tv program about where Cain got his wife is crazy