Peanuts by Charles Schulz for May 21, 1967
Lucy stands in the outfied and yells, "Why should I listen to you, Charlie Brown?!"<BR><BR> Charlie Brown stands on the pitcher's mound and yells: "ALL RIGHT, THEN, DO IT YOUR OWN WAY!"<BR><BR> "That Lucy drives me crazy! She's the most stubborn person I've ever known!" Charlie Brown comes to Shroeder, who stands on the slope of the mound.<BR><BR> "She's stubborn and obstinate and uncompliable and untractable and I don't know what else...." Charlie Brown stares off to the outfield as Shroeder walks away.<BR><BR> He faces the other way.<BR><BR> He leans back, holding the baseball in his hands.<BR><BR> Charlie Brown throws the ball.<BR><BR> He looks up to the sky.<BR><BR> BONK! It knocks Lucy on the head and bounces on the ground behind her.<BR><BR> Shroeder walks. [PANEL 11]: He stands on the slope below Charlie Brown and adds, "..And hard-headed!"<BR><BR>
Avatar??? about 2 years ago
Schroeder and Charlie can relate to thier frustration over her
FrostbiteFalls over 1 year ago
What’s that Cat Stevens song… “I’m looking for a hard headed woman…”