There wouldn’t be so much destruction of property and death if people would learn not to build in the paths of hurricanes…Yes, I believe that man can do very little in the way of “fixing” climate. We can’t control the earth or sun and their paths around and thru the universe. We can’t control volcanos, hurricanes, etc. The best we can do is try not to pollute so much (we’ve come a long way since the 60’s). I recycle. I own a motorcycle that uses less gas and less exhaust than my van, so I try to use it during warmer weather. I live in a nice quiet place with no major climate issues in Michigan.
Julius Marold Premium Member 11 months ago
Wouldn’t bet on it. There’s a group of people called deniers….
MuddyUSA Premium Member 11 months ago
Robert Miller Premium Member 11 months ago
There wouldn’t be so much destruction of property and death if people would learn not to build in the paths of hurricanes…Yes, I believe that man can do very little in the way of “fixing” climate. We can’t control the earth or sun and their paths around and thru the universe. We can’t control volcanos, hurricanes, etc. The best we can do is try not to pollute so much (we’ve come a long way since the 60’s). I recycle. I own a motorcycle that uses less gas and less exhaust than my van, so I try to use it during warmer weather. I live in a nice quiet place with no major climate issues in Michigan.