Bob I would like to know why dogs with their powerful noses choose to roll in garbage ;-)
Quite frankly, it is such a complex series of calculations that you should find it to seem quite mad.
There is a mistake in the third panel, BUT I´M NOT TELLING YOU WHERE! Laughs maniacally(or like a drain – take your pick).
Loved this one!
September 04, 2015
juicebruce over 3 years ago
Bob I would like to know why dogs with their powerful noses choose to roll in garbage ;-)
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 3 years ago
Quite frankly, it is such a complex series of calculations that you should find it to seem quite mad.
Prey over 3 years ago
There is a mistake in the third panel, BUT I´M NOT TELLING YOU WHERE! Laughs maniacally(or like a drain – take your pick).
_lounger_ over 3 years ago
Loved this one!