Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 09, 2021

  1. Hat large square
    Cactus-Pete  about 3 years ago

    Odors aren’t stinky to dogs, they just are.

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    Bilan  about 3 years ago

    The better analogy would be teenagers with good hearing and their penchant for high decibel levels.

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    rshive  about 3 years ago

    I’ve played golf for many years. Few dress flamboyantly. But how one acts after making a fifty-foot putt is something else.

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    allangary  about 3 years ago

    This misquotation doesn’t make any sense. A rule cannot be proven by an exception. The correct statement is “it is the exception that PROOFS (tests) the rule.”

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    Tallguy  about 3 years ago

    I think people who don’t play golf, don’t watch golf, and have never been to a golf course for think for some reason that everyone dresses like a combination between the 1970’s and the Three Stooges. BTW people OFF the course in the 1970’s were no great shakes either.

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    brick10  about 3 years ago

    Frazz just hasn’t been paying attention.

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    garysmigs  about 3 years ago

    it was quite fun hitting golf balls into the field with the Ted William’s Louisville Slugger…

    don’t know why dad had such a fit!

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The argument in panel one is not logical. Humans like bright colors, but not colors and lights so bright that they hurt the eyes. Obviously, odors offensive to humans are somehow attractive to dogs. A veterinarian once told me that cat food manufacturers would never make a cat food that smelled absolutely delightful to cats because it would smell awful to humans.

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    Lana M.  about 3 years ago

    Good Lord!!!! We are doing stinky stuff for a week?

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  10. House of lynmund updated
    Emily the Church Pianist  about 3 years ago

    In college, getting my music ed degree (I teach piano and voice on weekdays), I worked for a local italian reataurant practically next door to the Quail Hollow golf course in Charlotte NC. The PGA tournament came through, and we had a lot of the golfers and their fans come in. While the golfers dressed understated, the fans certainly didn’t. I think golf fans dress way more flamboyantly than golfers and that’s where the stereotype comes from. But also, all of them were the nicest customers we’d ever had. It was crowded, our ac broke and it was 90 degrees inside so we were forced to line up tables cafeteria style on the patio while we waited several days for the AC guy to come. Of the out of towners and golf people, not a one complained and many even made a point to compliment us and came back all week. Meanwhile regulars groused, walked out, threw a fit, complained, etc.

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