Dragging the world into the next iteration is not the smart thing. If we could just control the sun and wind we’d be OK but that currently is beyond our reach. While I don’t disagree with the intent current but methodology and implementation is barely in the infancy stages. Recycle challenges are largely ignored and will require more study. How about fusion, some progress, though slow, is being identified? BTW I do enjoy your feature.
Eventually, fossil fuels are going to become extremely hard to find. Then they’ll have no choice but to consider the options. The Sun will still be there, regardless.
amethyst52 Premium Member about 3 years ago
Don’t count on it honey.
sallyseckman about 3 years ago
They did figure it out. They are just figuring out how to profit off it right now.
Enter.Name.Here about 3 years ago
They did figure out solar. Will has yet to figure out clouds.
Nuke Road Warrior about 3 years ago
Sorry, it ain’t an “energy crisis.” It’s a man-made shortage brought on by political decisions.
Peter Gordon about 3 years ago
Not so good at night.
awcoffman about 3 years ago
Fossil fuel industry will do everything in its power to prevent that.
jem42 Premium Member about 3 years ago
Dragging the world into the next iteration is not the smart thing. If we could just control the sun and wind we’d be OK but that currently is beyond our reach. While I don’t disagree with the intent current but methodology and implementation is barely in the infancy stages. Recycle challenges are largely ignored and will require more study. How about fusion, some progress, though slow, is being identified? BTW I do enjoy your feature.
Alberta Oil about 3 years ago
Fraid it’s not enough.. that sunbeam is only supplemental and that kennel is heated with traditional sources.
raybarb44 about 3 years ago
Maybe humans growing fur will come back in vogue…….
Plods with ...™ about 3 years ago
The NIMBY is strong in this country
cuzinron47 about 3 years ago
But that’s a very short term solution.
Mediatech about 3 years ago
Eventually, fossil fuels are going to become extremely hard to find. Then they’ll have no choice but to consider the options. The Sun will still be there, regardless.
randolini Premium Member about 3 years ago
Not if the Wall Street psychos have any thing to do with it.