Oh, those boys! I like Leopold’s attitude, though. (Of course, he always has attitude, doesn’t he?)
Love it!
Wouldn’t Judy and Liza be a little more concordant?
I dunno Jo Jo, they might feel weird doing the mother/daughter thing.
They could go as 1/2 of the Village People.
now THOSE would be scary costumes
Marvelous, darlings!
Playing to stereotypes like this? Just shameful! (But yet funny.)
If you dress up as Judy Garland, you get to eat Toto too!
i love it, i love it!
Red alert…be on the lookout for horrible monsters…suspects are over seven feet tall, undead and looking FA-♫-BU-♫-LOUS♫!
I love these guys!
October 24, 2014
Sisyphos over 15 years ago
Oh, those boys! I like Leopold’s attitude, though. (Of course, he always has attitude, doesn’t he?)
margueritem over 15 years ago
Love it!
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Wouldn’t Judy and Liza be a little more concordant?
Hugh B. Hayve over 15 years ago
I dunno Jo Jo, they might feel weird doing the mother/daughter thing.
alan.gurka over 15 years ago
They could go as 1/2 of the Village People.
desturbedlio over 15 years ago
now THOSE would be scary costumes
carmy over 15 years ago
Marvelous, darlings!
jpozenel over 15 years ago
Playing to stereotypes like this? Just shameful! (But yet funny.)
fredbuhl over 15 years ago
If you dress up as Judy Garland, you get to eat Toto too!
boq Premium Member over 15 years ago
i love it, i love it!
sensrule92 over 15 years ago
Red alert…be on the lookout for horrible monsters…suspects are over seven feet tall, undead and looking FA-♫-BU-♫-LOUS♫!
deadheadzan over 15 years ago
I love these guys!