I have a friend who, back in the early 80’s worked at one of the more expensive jewerly stores here. THIS was his and his co-workers ‘bonus’. https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/turtles-premium-gift-box-filled-with-candy-original-pecan/ID=prod6096011-product?ext=gooGrocery+-+SSCGrocery___local&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwcia_oT19AIVfRXUAR35bQJ9EAQYBCABEgKHcPD_BwE
This one was based on a job I once had. Yes, that was the bonus our department got, while the higher ups were swimming in their money bins. I suppose it was still better than my brothers, who worked at a place that gave everyone a jolly first aid book for their bonus.
I was working for a well known Japanese company in the 90s and they stuffed an unsigned form letter in our mail slots (they had those back then) telling us how valuable we were to the company and suggested we share the letter with our families
We had a company that was bought out from another and all the bosses of the old company got a big bonus, and then they all left. My boss was one of those who got a nice bonus, but he stayed AND he gave us a share of his bonus (adjusted for taxes that he had to pay on his bonus).
allen@home about 3 years ago
I would really like to know just what she plans to do with her candy cane.
rekam Premium Member about 3 years ago
Looks like John and Scott are taking this week off because Maria’s Day isn’t running at all.
Barnabus Blackoak about 3 years ago
I have a friend who, back in the early 80’s worked at one of the more expensive jewerly stores here. THIS was his and his co-workers ‘bonus’. https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/turtles-premium-gift-box-filled-with-candy-original-pecan/ID=prod6096011-product?ext=gooGrocery+-+SSCGrocery___local&gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwcia_oT19AIVfRXUAR35bQJ9EAQYBCABEgKHcPD_BwE
scottartist creator about 3 years ago
This one was based on a job I once had. Yes, that was the bonus our department got, while the higher ups were swimming in their money bins. I suppose it was still better than my brothers, who worked at a place that gave everyone a jolly first aid book for their bonus.
dv about 3 years ago
I was working for a well known Japanese company in the 90s and they stuffed an unsigned form letter in our mail slots (they had those back then) telling us how valuable we were to the company and suggested we share the letter with our families
raybarb44 about 3 years ago
With her. it boggles the mind as to what she is going to do with it…..
goboboyd about 3 years ago
Ren Rodee about 3 years ago
Jamie Dimon’s $31.6 million 2020 compensation https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimons-total-pay-in-the-year-of-covid-19-was-the-most-since-the-2008-financial-crisis-11617887608
gmu328 about 3 years ago
We had a company that was bought out from another and all the bosses of the old company got a big bonus, and then they all left. My boss was one of those who got a nice bonus, but he stayed AND he gave us a share of his bonus (adjusted for taxes that he had to pay on his bonus).