Refs will have a field day with this strip.
Now I remember, this was after the incident from the Bears-Steelers game…
Guy in the last panel doesn’t know the phrase “viral video” > < ha
“Let’s roll the tape from the network, Bob.”
It’s a little hard to think about anything but butts around a bunch of football players in uniform. They’re basically buns on two legs.
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
Ellis97 about 3 years ago
Refs will have a field day with this strip.
jagedlo about 3 years ago
Now I remember, this was after the incident from the Bears-Steelers game…
A.Ficionada about 3 years ago
Guy in the last panel doesn’t know the phrase “viral video” > < ha
amxchester about 3 years ago
“Let’s roll the tape from the network, Bob.”
AndrewSihler about 3 years ago
It’s a little hard to think about anything but butts around a bunch of football players in uniform. They’re basically buns on two legs.